Pictures taken Feb. 4th, 2012.. --->

Above picture at about 2mo old.
Such a character! He and Sunshine are a match set--they have virtually identical markings. But she's a girl, and he's a boy; she has long hair, and his is short. Scooter is very much a little boy--he is sweet as can be, but also adventuresome and sometimes up to mischief...
UPDATE: Scooter is now living with Qianqian in the Seattle area. His new favorite pastimes are finding new and interesting places to hide as well as chasing the dread red dot, but he also enjoys bending QQ to his little kitty will, and trying a little bit of her dinner every evening =^..^= QQ and Scooter are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the spring kittens so they may pick a little buddy for Scooter. Will it be a sister? Long hair or short? Stay tuned! :)